The Persona series is a great addition to any RPG fan. That being said there are some games I liked and others I did not. In this article I’ll be going over the Persona games that I have played and my thoughts on them. I will be linking songs to listen to. Do not look into comments if you go open these videos if you want to avoid spoilers, I would also advise against searching the song titles.
Hello everyone, it is that time of the month again where I post a brief review of the month. As usual I will talk a little about college as well as how the blog has been doing for the month of March.
As most people in the gaming community are aware of, Microsoft now owns Bethesda. They acquired them through the purchasing of their parent company Zenimax Studios. I believe that Microsoft owning Bethesda is a good thing. Before I dive into this, I am not biased in any way. I have not owned an Xbox in ten or more years. This is purely opinion.
The Phantom thieves have stolen my heart once more in their newest adventures in Persona 5 Strikers. As you can tell this post will contain my full thoughts on P5 Strikers. I played this ps4 version. I will not be discussing post game as I have not finished that part, but it is essentially extra quests and an extra optional boss. I have also tried my best to avoid spoiling parts of the game so that you can experience it for yourself.
Hello again everyone! It’s that time of the month again where I tackle the latest EXP Share from DanamesX. The prompt for this month is share a story where an event in a game, tv show, movie, or book left you in shock and your reaction to it. The game that I’ve chosen is Dragon Quest IX. Beyond this point lies major spoiler territory so back out if you wish to experience this moment yourself. Be sure to visit DanamesX’s blog if you’d like more details.
Hello everyone! The post for today is the Sunshine Blogger Award. I am not sure how long this has been going on but this is my first time doing one of these. I was nominated by Stephen (Honest Gamer). Be sure to check out his blog as he has some good reviews up that you should read. Without any further delay here are my answers to his questions.
I recently started collecting some older games that I guess would be considered early retro. I decided to try my luck on Ebay after not buying from there from years. I found a few good deals, but you really have to dig for them sometimes as a lot of games are over priced or are fakes that haven’t been removed. I’ll start with what I was looking for.
After playing both the original Dragon Quest XI as well as the definitive edition, I came to a certain conclusion. Though the game is good is suffers from a disappointing third act that seems more bland than fun. Before I start this post will contain major spoilers for Dragon Quest XI. This is also purely opinion, if you liked it that’s fine.
Persona 5 Strikers has been one of the games that I’ve been playing in the free time I’ve had between studying and midterms. So far I’ve cleared the second dungeon and would like to share my thoughts. I’ll start with some differences from the main game that you might not know about. I’ll also be discussing my current likes and dislikes.
Hello again everyone, it’s that time again for the end of month review. As per the last post I’ll talk just a little about college life as well as new blog milestones. Just as a reminder there will be no major blog post March 1st – March 8th. There might be a mini blog post, but no promises.