Game: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Developer: Omega Force and Intelligent Systems
Publishers: Nintendo and Koei Tecmo
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Reviewed on: Nintendo Switch
Released on: June 24, 2022
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes was a great return to the world created in Fire Emblem Three Houses. I really enjoyed the new main character, Shez, as well as the action combat. I wasn’t sure whether I would play this game or not, but decided to give it a chance. I’m glad that I did because it’s a great game. As usual, this review is spoiler free.
As shown in trailers, the story is an alternate take on the story from Three Houses. Some story elements are similar, but some of them are different. I would highly advise playing Three Houses first before playing this game because a lot of story elements will be spoiled for you. Like in Three Houses, there are several different paths with different stories and characters.
Game Play
The main difference in game play from other Fire Emblem games is that the combat is action based instead of turn based. Character stats have been changed and skills have been added to reflect that change. Support conversations, class changes, and giving gifts are all features that still exist in Three Hopes.
Each chapter has a main battle you need to complete to move onto the next chapter. Before you do the main battle, there are other battles you have to do on the map to gain access to the battle. Doing these other battles reward you with different things such as supplies for upgrading facilities, items, weapons, and strategies. Obtaining strategies is important because it gives you more options during main battles in the current chapter.
When you’re not in battles you can level up units and increase their experience in their current class. You can also cook food, go on expeditions, and do chores to raise support levels.
The soundtrack is pretty good with remixes of songs from Three Houses and original tracks. As usual I’m including a few below. As usual don’t go to the comments if you open the videos in YouTube unless you want to be spoiled.
The biggest like is that it still feels like Fire Emblem. Everything felt familiar except for the combat, but that was easy to learn. I enjoyed the alternate take on the story of Three Houses. I liked that as you level the classes, new skills are learned. Some skills could be combined with skills learned from another class. The only skills that can’t do this are ones that state if they are for a specific class only.
I really liked the new main character Shez. They have a lot of personality and seem to mesh well with the other characters. It’s also nice that in support conversations they actually speak. I don’t mind silent protagonist, but having one that speaks is nice especially when it comes to two characters conversing.
I liked that a majority of the characters play style felt unique. Some characters had spells that others didn’t. A majority of the characters also have an ability unique to them.
One of my biggest dislikes is that it feels like something is missing story wise. Events after the story are left very vague, it’s impossible to know what exactly has happened. There are also no character endings like in previous Fire Emblem games. It feels like part of the story is missing. Part of the pay off, at least in my opinion, of having your units survive is briefly hearing what happens to them after the story.
Another dislike I had is that I feel like the support conversations have been scaled back moderately. Some characters you end up not having any support conversations with at all. I felt like some characters should have more support conversations with each other.
Fire Emblem Three Hopes is a great game with an interesting alternate take on the story from Three Houses. It truly felt just like any other Fire Emblem game, minus the turn-based combat. The only places where it falls short are the endings as well as some of the support conversations. What did you think of think of this game? As always, thanks for reading. If you see a mistake let me know.
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