
I finally made the decision to buy Hades and I don’t regret it. This game surprised me because I thought that I wouldn’t like it. I could not have been more wrong. I heavily enjoy this game and highly recommend it to anyone. Hades was published and developed by Supergiant Games. It’s available on Switch, PC, Ps4/ps5, and Xbox One/ Series X.


I should start by saying that I’m still playing through the game. I enjoy what I know of the story so far. The encyclopedia is also great having more information about each character. It was nice to play a game where I knew most of the characters since many of them are from Greek mythology. The main premise is that you are Zagreus the son of Hades and you’re trying to escape the Underworld to find your mother.

Hades Codex
Codex in Hades. Displays character and enemy information.


The music is pretty great. I got the soundtrack when I bought the game. I own the ps5 version and it came with a code for a digital copy of the soundtrack. Below is one of my favorite songs.

Video uploaded by Supergiant Games

Game Play

The game play is great and makes for a unique experience each time. Though the setting of each area are the same such as Elysium, the stages within each area change each run that you do.

Hades Room
After clearing a room another room or more will open up with an icon indicating what you’ll get from that specific room.

The weapon selection is great. Each weapon completely changes how you play the game and has different upgrades they can get. An example is the shield. When using the shield you can block attacks as well as throw it at enemies. This is a pretty good choice if you’re good at reading enemy attacks.

Another weapon are the twin fists. These are great if you like up close combat. Using these will allow you to land a series of quick blows.

As you try to escape the Underworld, you’ll encounter the Olympic Gods that wish to help you escape. They give you boons that will give you certain skills such as Artemis increasing your critical hit chance. The boons are random and can be sold or swapped out for others. You can also find items that that power up your boons, upgrade your weapon, and various other things.

The bosses in the game are pretty unique. At first everything stays the same, but as you do more runs the bosses start to change. The first boss is usually Megaera, but she will eventually swap out with her two sisters. Her two sisters attack completely differently, leading to you having to make a new strategy. The second boss, the Hydra, will change its attack pattern. I don’t want to show too much so that you all can experience the game for yourselves.


This game is a great game that I would recommend to everyone. I’ve been having a lot of fun. The best part of the game is when you figure out a boss and can make it through them without dying. How have you enjoyed Hades if you’ve played it?

As always thank you for reading as well as the continued support! If I made a mistake be sure to let me know.

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