A couple weeks back I got SMT V Vengeance and decided to give it a try. The original released only on Nintendo Switch so I played it on there. This time I got the game for PS5. Overall the original game was good, but I did have some issues with some of the story elements and there were some performance issues. When they announced SMT V Vengeance I was on the fence about it. When I saw that there would be a completely new story I decided to go ahead and give it a try. It has been a pretty good experience.
When Does the New Content Start?
If you’ve played the original game, it starts out exactly as the original does. It starts to branch out after about 2 to 3 hours, depending on how long it takes you to get through fights and if you’ve been doing side quests. Once it branches out, it’s all new story content from there. I appreciate that it branches out so early on. There was even a part in the story that I was thinking would play out the exact same, but I’m happy to say that it was different.
The Characters
I think that SMT V Vengeance does a lot better with the characters. You really don’t get a lot of time with them in the original, so it’s hard to feel a connection with them. This was one of my main complaints about SMT V when I reviewed it. You were supposed to be fighting for a group, but you felt alone 90% of the time. I liked the addition of guest characters like SMT IV. The inclusion of guest characters makes you feel like there are truly other people involved in the story.
What’s New?
I like the tweaks that have been made to combat as well as other quality of life improvements. Aside from the story there are also new characters, new demons, new skills, new locations, and new side quests. New music has also been made for the game. There have been some minor tweaks to some of the locations that were in the original game. One new addition on maps are Magatsuhi rails. These are either already uncovered or found with a navigator. Using one can take you to different areas on the map that are otherwise inaccessible.
A big addition are guest characters. As I mentioned previously, guest characters were added. These guest characters can join you in battle at different parts of the story. You are able to choose their moves so you don’t have to worry about an AI controlled party member. Another additions are called Demon Haunts. In these spaces you can converse with your demons.
As you go through battles with them they’ll gain more trust with you leading to more conversations. Through conversing with them they can gain a boost in their stats and even learn new skills. Some may even have a quest for you to complete.
Would I Recommend SMT V Vengeance
I would recommend starting with the original first. You can do that by refusing to take the girls hand at the beginning. This path is called the Canon of Creation, while the new story is the Canon of Vengeance. Playing both gives a different experience as well as more context to the situation in the story. Between the two I liked the new story, Canon of Vengeance more.
I would say that getting SMT Vengeance is worth it, especially if you never played the game when it first came out. You’ll definitely get your money’s worth with two different stories with each taking up to 80 hours to finish, depending on how you play. That about wraps up my thoughts. As always thank you all fro reading!
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