Welcome all to my second mini post. This weeks mini post is about some of the greatest units in Fire Emblem Three Houses. Just a warning there are some minor spoilers so if you don’t want some parts of the story potentially ruined I suggest you not read this post.



Starting out my list is Leonie from the Golden Deer. She starts at a simple unit only using a lance, but once you train her riding she can become a very mobile unit that can deal damage and retreat back to safety. I highly recommend training her Lance, Riding and Bow skills so that she can eventually become a Bow Knight. She is an extremely effective up close unit as well as a ranged unit when needed. She does not do well against the Fortress Knight class.



Next we have Mercedes from the Blue Lions. She is one of the best healers you can have in my opinion. Once you get her Faith up high enough she can use Fortify, which heals everyone within range of the spell. She also heals herself whenever she heals someone else with her exclusive skill Live to Serve. The health she regains is the same amount that she heals her ally for. I suggest training her in Reason as well as Faith so that she can become a dual threat with healing and damage capabilities.



We now move on to Constance of the Ashen Wolves. This is a DLC character that is only available through the expansion pass. This unit has probably some of the best ranged magic in the game. Keep this unit at a distance to wreck havoc on enemies from far away. Be careful not to leave in dangerous situations as she can easily be taken out by enemies that can hit several times like Brawlers. Like other fliers she can move after an attack if she has movement left. I trained her Faith after Reason to have a more mobile healer. I trained her in Sword and Lance just so she can get quick kills on low health enemies while saving magic.



Another great unit is Yuri of the Ashen Wolves. This is a DLC character just like Constance. Yuri is excellent with swords and truly shines when he becomes the Trickster class. Yuri can move after attacking if movement is left and his special skill allows him to unlock any door or chest without a key. He’s a versatile unit when trained in Faith and Sword. I also trained him in Reason for some more variety also because it’s needed for the Trickster class.



Ending our list is the leader of Golden Deer, Claude. Give him any bow and he can still get rid of units in one battle. He is extremely useful when it comes to Demonic Beasts, dealing damage easily. Train his Axe skill and he can be an effective close range fighter as well. Claude should have no problem except against the Fortress Knight class. I consider him the best of all the house leaders.


As always thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read my post. Let me know who you consider to be the best unit or units in the game. This was a great game that I’ve finished several times and would highly recommend it. If you don’t like permadeath you can play casual not have to worry about it. My favorite house is the Golden Deer. As always if you’d like to stay updated on what I’m posting you can follow me on Twitter @realgamerwithg1.

Categories Mini Post Opinion

Comments (2)

  • February 10, 2021 at 6:14 pm Reply
    In Three Houses, Petra is my favourite character, and is very formidable in combat too. Of the units mentioned in this post, Leonie is the one I battled with most!
    • February 10, 2021 at 6:19 pm Reply
      Petra is a pretty good unit, especially if you train her Bow skills. I always use Leonie in every playthrough.

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