Image from Nintendo

Hello again everyone! Today I decided to share a part of my video game collection. I’ll be listing all of my games on the Nintendo Switch.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild case

This was a game I had been wanting to play for quite some time. This was my first 3D Zelda game as I had only played Four Swords and Link’s Awakening before this. I’ve wanted to play the other games, but I have to reacquire the systems I used to have as a kid. I really enjoyed playing this game. Some notable goofs on my part include not realizing there were roads and basically going the long way to places. Another notable goof was not learning how to cook until before I went into my first Divine Beast. I didn’t hate having durability on weapons, I just wish they could have been repaired in some way.

The World Ends With You Final Remix

The World Ends With You game case

I missed the opportunity to play this game when it originally came out on the Nintendo DS. When I saw that it was available on the Switch I had to pick it up. This was an amazing game. I enjoyed everything from the game play to the music. In case anybody missed the news, this game has finally gotten a sequel and it releases this month. I wrote my thoughts on the demo of the game which you can read here:

The Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening

The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening case

This was a game that I was so happy to get. I first played this game when I had a 3DS. I was on the last stage and then the top half of my 3DS stopped working. It looked like it had a crack down the center of the inside of the screen. Years passed before I saw they were remaking it on the Switch. As of a couple months ago I finally finished the game.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Fire Emblem Three Houses title

I was still relatively new to the Fire Emblem series when this one released. I had played Fire Emblem Fates Birthright and Fire Emblem Awakening. This game was a huge leap forward for the series. I can’t even tell you how many hours I put into this game. I enjoyed that each path in the game had its own unique ending and situations.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash  Bros Ultimate title

This was a game I looked forward to releasing. I bought it digitally and preloaded it so I could play as soon as it was available. I had a lot of fun playing with my friends when we would get together. Seeing some of my favorites like Snake and Pokémon Trainer was a great trip down memory lane. I’ve been playing the Super Smash Bros. games since Melee on the Game Cube. I honestly don’t know how they could make the series better than they have with this game.

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley title page

Stardew Valley is a game that I could play endlessly. A couple months ago I was on a Stardew Valley binge. I started a new farm and played every day. I stopped though to get rid of some of the larger games in my backlog. Still this is a very enjoyable game that can make any evening relaxing. I still need to get to the newer content.

Super Mario Party

This is a game I bought when I first had my Switch. It was fun for a bit, but it get pretty boring eventually. I think I missed the bigger boards like the Game Cube and Nintendo DS games had. The over reliance on motion controls made me dislike it. I hate it even more now because of the faulty controllers that Nintendo still doesn’t think has issues. This game lasted a month before I removed it. No picture for this one because I dislike it that much. I checked my playtime and it was 5 hours.

Lego DC Super Villains

DC Super Heroes case

The last time I played a Lego game was probably when I was about 12 or so. I decided to pick this up because making my own villain with powers seemed like a lot of fun. that’s exactly what it was just the usual silliness that comes with these games. It made me feel like a kid playing Lego Star Wars.

Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition

Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age case

I played the original when it released on ps4 and bought this version when it came out. This version had features and game play elements not present in the original. One such feature was the ability to speed up battles. I like the added story elements that they added in this version, but I still hate the third act of the game. Other than that I thought the game was great.

Pokémon Sword

Pokémon Sword case

I enjoyed this game a lot. I’ve probably played through it at least four or five times. It is definitely one of the easier entries to ease into. I think what I liked the most was that in this game when you become the champion, you’re actually treated like it. My biggest problem was no inclusion of the National Dex. I didn’t expect it after it being excluded from Sun and Moon, but it would have been a welcome site. I did enjoy the DLC though, especially the Galarian Star Tournament.

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth case

I’ve already talked some about this game in a previous post. This is two Digimon games in one. These games were also the first Digimon games that I have played. I enjoyed both games and would recommend that anyone with a Switch pick up this game.


I think that just about covers all of my games I have on the Switch. I have Shin Megami Tensei V pre-ordered, so I’ll have to add it to the last after November. As always thank you all for reading. What Nintendo Switch games do you have in your game collection? What are some of your favorites?

If you’d like to follow me on other platforms than feel free to look at my links.

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