Image from Steam
Hello again everyone. Today I’ll be sharing some of my Steam games. I’ll share the rest of them at another time.
Saints Row 2
I got this game for free at some point. If I’m remembering correctly it was offered for free at some point a couple years ago. I tried playing it several times, but it kept crashing. I can’t really recommend it as like I said I can’t play it.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is a great game. I would definitely recommend this game to any Naruto fan. The graphics are absolutely stunning. The story mode mainly covers the last part of the story of Shippuden, but also covers some events that happened in the past. The music was also enjoyable.
Cuphead is a game I recommend if you want something challenging. I think I got close to finishing it, but never did. It is a pretty good game though. I think it’s also getting some DLC, but I’m not sure of when that is happening.
Half Minute Hero
This is a game that I really enjoyed. The unique type of game play that was offered was something that drew me in. I also liked how in some stages there were different ways to accomplish your main task. I’ll leave one of the trailer videos below as I would love it more people gave the game a try.
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
Shovel Knight is a game that I talked about in my previous post. I highly recommend this game to anyone that enjoys platformers. Everything about this game is great. From the bosses to the powers you can get. The DLCs let you play as other characters and experience new stories. If you just want to buy shovel Knight without the other campaigns you can.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic has to be one of my favorite Star Wars games. You get to be a Jedi and choose different Light or Dark side powers to use. You can also find different light sabers like the dual blade and many crystals to change the color. The story is also well done with quite the twist towards the end. The one downside was having a penalty for force powers that did not align with your current alignment. If I was heavy in the Light alignment it would cost more to use powers from the Dark side. The Dark side powers were also more useful.
Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)
You all probably know how much I enjoy this game as I frequently talk about it. It is a game that I would recommend getting as it is quite enjoyable. Galactic Conquest has you playing the different factions in Star Wars such as CIS, Republic, Empire, and Rebels. It’s a great game mode. The campaign is also enjoyable.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II
This is a sequel that could have been just as good as the original, but a myriad of glitches and bugs leads to a less than memorable experience. The biggest problem with the game is that sometimes when you go to load your save file it loads a random character. I have no clue if it’s a test character or what, but it happened to me every time I wanted to play. It was a struggle to get to then end because of this issue alone.
When I was in high school my friends would often talk about Undertale and recommended I get it. I did and I thought it was a decent game. I liked the approach to multiple endings, but I only went for one. The soundtrack was fantastic.
FTL Advanced Edition
FTL is a difficult, yet fun game. You play as a crew in a race against time to stop Rebels from taking over the galaxy. With multiple ships, weapons, crew members, and events, each run of the game will be unique. This game will test your ability to strategize and react to changing situations.
Mass Effect
The Mass Effect series was something I got into way late. I probably didn’t play this one until late 2018 or early 2019. It was a great game where choices do matter. I would recommend it if Mass Effect Legendary Edition had not come out. If you don’t know all games in the Mass Effect series got recently remastered. If you want to get into the series I recommend getting Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2 is some good looter shooter fun. If you want to have some laughs and always like getting new weapons then this is the game for you. I had had whatever the special edition was that had the DLC so I played as Gaige. Being able to summon a robot ally was a lot of fun.
I think that covers a little less than half of my Steam games. As always thank you all for reading. What Steam games do you have in your game collection? What are some of your favorites? Next post will be about the history Custom Robo. Feel free to message me on Twitter if you want to see what I dug up.
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