
Devil May Cry 2 the Flop in a Good Series

Devil May Cry 2

As I mentioned a month ago I was just now playing through the Devil May Cry Series. I just finished DMC 2 and I was left quite underwhelmed and a little disappointed.

Opinion 2

My Top 10 Video Games

Spider-Man 2018

Over the course of my many years I have played numerous video games. Some good and others not so good. Today I’ve decided to talk about the good with a list of my top 10 video games so far. These are games from any point in my life that I have enjoyed the most.

Opinion Retrospective

Pokémon Red a Great Start to an Amazing Series

Back when I was a kid and first stared playing video games, I didn’t have too much. I remember that I had Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six for the Game Boy Color and I had Spyro on the ps1. I didn’t have a particular genre that I leaned towards until I stumbled upon Pokémon Red. This game become my childhood leading me to play each mainstream game in the series.

Reviews 1

Swing into Action in Spider-Man Miles Morales

Spider Man Miles Morales puts us into the role of the new Webslinger for some amazing game play. This game truly made this a story about Miles and the people in his life.

My Thoughts on

Astro’s Playroom and ps5 Impressions

How is the PlayStation 5? Was it worth the money? All that will be answered below. Game play of Astro’s Playroom is included below. Let’s talk console look and controller.

What Happend to... 2

What Happened to the Zenonia Series?

Zenonia 1 gameplay

I don’t know about anyone else but I remember when the Zenonia Series was huge. It used to be some of the top downloaded apps on the google play store, so what happened? To figure it out let’s give some background.

Retrospective Reviews

Mega Man Star Force a Review and Retrospective

Mega Man STar Force 2 cover art

The Mega Man Star Force series was created by Capcom. This series served as the next step for the Mega Man series after the Mega Man Battle Network series on the Nintendo Game Boy. The Star Force series came out on the Nintendo DS systems. There were a total of three games in this series, more if you count the different versions.

Game News My Thoughts on

My Thoughts on ps5 Face Plates


As you all may or may not know Sony, owns PlayStation, recently shut down a company that was selling custom plates for the ps5. Sony had them change their website name, it was playstation5.com, and forced them to stop selling face plates. There are a lot of people unhappy about this and I can honestly see this from both sides.

Game News

My Thoughts on Cancelled ps5 Orders


Who’s to blame for the cancelled ps5 preorders? Some might put all the blame on Sony and others blame the retailers, but who really is to blame? Here are my thoughts.

Opinion 1

My Thoughts on Devil May Cry 2 Auto Aim

Devil May Cry 2

About two or three months ago I was looking around the PlayStation store and saw the Devil May Cry HD Collection + 4Se on sale. I hadn’t played any of the series and decided to make the purchase. I’m currently on DMC 2 and noticed the added auto aim. At first I found it quite nice, it made hitting enemies easier, but then I encountered auto aim’s worst nightmare, the dreaded switch.

The Gamer With Glasses