It’s a bit late, but I’m back with an end of month review. January has been a bit of a tough month. Hoping to turn things around this month.
As usual I’m back with another end of month review. Things have been going pretty good. There are a lot of game releases this month that I’m excited for.
It’s been awhile since my last end of month review. Things have been alright. I had my birthday last month, but didn’t really do too much since I worked late that night.
Introduction I know it’s late, but here is the end of month review for July. I’ve been a bit busy working and getting a schedule nailed down. As usual I’ll be talking about my life, what I’ve been playing, and more. Personal Life Things have been going alright. I started my new job and I’m […]
I know it’s late, but here is the end of month review for June. I took a short break to refresh. As usual I’ll be talking about my life, what I’ve been playing, and more.
I’m back with another end of month review. It’s a little late, but here is a summary of what went on in May.
I’m back with another end of month review. I was pretty busy until recently. School is winding down and I’m close to graduating. I’ll graduate this Friday. Still looking around for jobs, other than that not much has been happening. I’ve got one project left and a couple of exams.
This month has been a little better than last month. I’m finally starting to get a little bit of a break between assignments. I have a feeling things will pick back up in a week or so. As far as work goes things have been going alright. In other news I’ve been applying for some jobs so I have something lined up when I graduate.
I’m back with another end of the month review. Things are finally starting to wind down as the end of the semester approaches. I’ve played some good games this month and have some good posts lined up for next month.
I’m back with another end of the month review. I’ve been pretty busy this month with all the exams I’ve had.